About Me

Hey, I'm Sam.

I love all things from deep somber colors to bright overwhelming ones, light, shadows, angles, curves and basically all lines. I have a degree in Interior Design, but I am currently working with children for a non-profit and attending school again to study child development. I am really into it. I have an affinity towards children and hope that one day I will make a positive difference in someone's life.

I'm an INFJ. I basically see the world from too many points of view and I can easily judge and justify things at the same time. Because of this, my brain tends to be a terrible mess. I've been spacing out since 1995, and it's not because of old age or a deficit in my attention skills, but merely a lack of organization in my mind and contradicting feelings that I tend to over analyze while others are talking to me or giving me instructions. I'm not rude on purpose, I promise =D

I'm also a self proclaimed "Jack of All Trades, Master of None", and to reference Peggy Lee some more, yes, it is a shame. Though I can do a variety of things fairly well, I'm not exceptional at anything. I'm the kid who could never figure out what to do in talent shows, I was just okay at everything.

Other non-important info: My hobbies include spending too much time on the Internet, attempting to learn how to play my uke, and taking pictures of flowers and people. I like stuff--mostly tangible objects but I also like ideas, colors, feelings, and sometimes even people--This is a place for me to share what I like, be it music, films, photography, design, illustrations, etc... and once in a while, what I don't like. However, I am aiming to keep things positive. I love my home in Southern California and the beautiful friends and family that surround me.


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